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Top 5 Potential Complications of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), or simply an enlarged prostate, is a condition many men face as they get older. While it's a non-cancerous enlargement, ignoring the symptoms can lead to serious health issues. The truth is, BPH isn't just about inconvenience; it can lead to significant complications if left untreated. Let’s take a closer look at the top five complications that can arise from untreated BPH and why addressing the condition early is essential.

1. Acute Urinary Retention (AUR): A Sudden and Serious Emergency

Imagine waking up one day and being unable to urinate, despite having a full bladder. This terrifying scenario is known as Acute Urinary Retention (AUR), and it’s one of the most severe complications of untreated BPH. AUR happens when the enlarged prostate suddenly blocks the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. This blockage can occur without warning and is typically accompanied by intense pain and a sudden inability to urinate.

This condition is a medical emergency. The only immediate solution is the insertion of a catheter to drain the bladder. If not treated quickly, AUR can cause permanent damage to the bladder and even the kidneys. Prolonged obstruction can lead to bladder distension, which weakens the bladder muscles over time. In severe cases, untreated AUR may lead to kidney failure due to the backward pressure on the kidneys caused by the urine that can’t pass through the bladder.


- Acute Urinary Retention : Sudden inability to urinate

- Symptoms : Severe pain, full bladder, no urine output

- Treatment : Requires immediate catheterization

- Risks : Permanent bladder damage, kidney failure

2. Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): A Frustrating Cycle

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are not just a problem for women; men with untreated BPH are also at high risk. When the prostate enlarges, it can obstruct the bladder, making it difficult to empty completely. This incomplete emptying leaves residual urine in the bladder, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Over time, this can lead to recurrent UTIs, a cycle that’s both frustrating and potentially dangerous.

Symptoms of UTIs include a burning sensation during urination, frequent urges to urinate, pelvic pain, and sometimes fever. For men with BPH, these infections can become a chronic issue, requiring repeated courses of antibiotics. If left unchecked, the bacteria can ascend to the kidneys, leading to a more severe infection known as pyelonephritis, which can be life-threatening.


- Recurrent UTIs : Frequent infections due to stagnant urine

- Symptoms : Burning during urination, fever, pelvic pain

- Risks : Chronic infections, potential kidney involvement

- Treatment : Requires antibiotics and addressing the underlying BPH

3. Bladder Stones: A Painful Buildup

Bladder stones are another painful complication of untreated BPH. These are hard deposits of minerals that form in the bladder, often as a direct result of incomplete bladder emptying. When urine stays in the bladder too long, it becomes concentrated, and minerals in the urine crystallize, forming stones. These stones can vary in size and can cause a range of symptoms, including lower abdominal pain, difficulty urinating frequent urination, and blood in the urine.

Bladder stones can be particularly problematic because they often go unnoticed until they cause significant discomfort. In severe cases, large stones can block the bladder outlet, leading to further urinary retention. Treatment typically involves removing the stones, either through non-invasive procedures or surgery, depending on their size and number. Preventing bladder stones means addressing the root cause—BPH.


- Bladder Stones : Mineral deposits in the bladder due to stagnant urine

- Symptoms : Abdominal pain, difficulty urinating, blood in urine

- Risks : Urinary retention, infection

- Treatment : May require surgical removal or other procedures

4. Bladder Dysfunction: The Hidden Long-Term Impact

Bladder dysfunction is a less immediate but equally concerning complication of untreated BPH. Over time, the constant strain of trying to empty a blocked bladder can lead to the weakening of the bladder muscles. This condition, known as bladder dysfunction, can make it increasingly difficult for the bladder to contract properly, leading to chronic issues with urinary retention.

As the bladder becomes weaker, the ability to fully empty it diminishes, exacerbating the problem of residual urine and increasing the risk of complications like UTIs and bladder stones. In advanced cases, bladder dysfunction can become so severe that it requires long-term management with catheters or surgery. This is why it’s so important to address BPH early, before irreversible damage occurs.


- Bladder Dysfunction : Weakening of bladder muscles due to chronic obstruction

- Symptoms : Difficulty fully emptying bladder, increased risk of UTIs

- Risks : Chronic urinary retention, long-term catheter use

- Treatment : Often requires surgical intervention in advanced cases

5. Kidney Damage: The Most Severe Consequence

Perhaps the most alarming complication of untreated BPH is the potential for kidney damage. The kidneys are vital organs responsible for filtering waste from the blood and producing urine. However, when BPH leads to chronic bladder outlet obstruction, the pressure from the retained urine can travel back up to the kidneys, a condition known as hydronephrosis. This can cause the kidneys to swell and become damaged over time.

If left untreated, this backward pressure can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys, leading to kidney failure. At this stage, the condition becomes life-threatening and may require dialysis or a kidney transplant. This underscores the critical importance of managing BPH early to prevent long-term damage to the kidneys.


- Kidney Damage : Result of prolonged bladder outlet obstruction

- Symptoms : May initially be asymptomatic, later stages include severe complications

- Risks : Hydronephrosis, kidney failure

- Treatment : Prevention through early intervention is key

Taking Action: Early Intervention is Key

Understanding the potential complications of BPH makes it clear that this is not a condition to ignore. The risks associated with untreated BPH are serious and can significantly impact your quality of life. From the sudden emergency of acute urinary retention to the slow, insidious onset of kidney damage, the consequences of ignoring BPH symptoms are too severe to overlook.

If you’re experiencing symptoms like frequent urination, a weak urine stream, difficulty starting urination, or a feeling that your bladder isn’t fully emptying, it’s time to seek medical advice. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent these complications and help maintain your quality of life.

Don’t wait until complications arise.

Contact Dr. Rohan Patel, one of Ahmedabad’s Top urologists, to schedule a consultation today. With his expertise, you can take proactive steps to manage your prostate health and avoid the serious risks associated with untreated BPH.

Call us now or Visit our Website to Book an Appointment with the Best Urologist in Ahmedabad for Prostate Treatment.